Fluffy Finance Feline with BHAG and Nicole FendeToday was a first, I received a monster in the mail. AND I was excited about it! As you can see, Fluffy was pretty excited too.

The monster’s name is BHAG, which stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goal, and she is the Official Word Chef Mascot for Tea Silvestre.

Watch the video below, and find out why Tea Silvestre sent me BHAG.

What’s in this video?

BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) visits The Numbers Whisperer (TM). BHAG was created by Tea Silvestre, The Word Chef, to honor successfully tackling a monumental goal. Nicole (that’s me!) received it in honor of her book, How to be a Finance Rock Star: The Small Business Owner’s Ticket to Multi-Platinum Profits.

Share YOUR Big Hairy Audacious Goal

Whether it’s a goal you’ve already accomplished, one that is in the works, or even something you are considering, please share it below. I’d love to learn more about your BHAG.

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