Smart Marketing with Simple Arithmetic: Forty Equals Ten Times Four
I dreaded math in junior high school. Walking into algebra class was like entering some dark scary dungeon of fire, terrified I wouldn't come out alive. Luckily, I survived and only my eyebrows got a little singed. But simple arithmetic? That's my style! Remember...
Reflections of a 40+ Writer
"When people say you're awesome, accept it with thanks, because you are." That's just one of the lessons I've learned from being in my 40s. I remember turning 40 like it was yesterday – except it wasn't. I'm staring the next big milestone in the face...
40 Quick Marketing Moves You Can Do Today!
As a business owner it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Too much to do, too little time, too small of a budget. Whenever you feel that way it is time to take a step back and think about all the quick, simple easy things you can do every day to grow your business and get...
Turning 40 – How I Embraced This Scary Number
Wrinkles are bad. Youth is beauty. Never trust anyone over 30 40.. World domination is a young woman’s game. A number, yes a number, was scaring ME – The Numbers Whisperer®! How could this BE? Perhaps the world really IS coming to an end. Or I could drag out my rose...
Gamify to Find (or Improve!) Your Value
What’s the value (in numbers) of what you provide to your clients? Sure you’ve got testimonials singing your praises. But do any of them say things like: “She helped me grow my business by 30% last year.” “With him at my side, I was able to lose 123 pounds.”...
The 12 Days of Christmas – Finance Rock Star Edition
Every Monday I take part in the #QuirkyBiz chat on Twitter, run by @ToriDeaux. The chat explores business from a right brain, quirky perspective. It's a great way to get your juices flowing for the week. It runs from 1 to 2 p.m. CST - everyone is welcome. This week we...
Crazy Good Idea or Just Plain Crazy?
Alien Abduction Insurance. Crazy idea? Or crazy good idea? Most entrepreneurs have ideas that fall into both categories - crazy and crazy good. How do you know which category to put an idea into? People have called some of my most profitable ideas crazy. While others...
Get More Blog Traffic – Blog Engage Blowout Special
Blogs are a great marketing tool... if someone is reading them. When I first started blogging I fell victim to the "if I build it they will come" mentality. Content is king right? If it's good they'll read it. You can guess what my traffic numbers looked like. (Hint:...
The Grateful Dead's Lessons for Future A-Lister's
Reputations can rise or fall in the blink of an eye in today's hyper-connected world. Yet one of the best examples for classy (and profitable!) A-Lister behavior comes from last century. The Grateful Dead. You heard me, The Grateful Dead. To your relief, or perhaps...
Inside the Mind of a Compulsive Problem Solver
I have a confession to make. I am a compulsive problem solver. Tell me your woes and within 5 minutes you'll get a barrage of questions followed by an array of solutions. Annoying? I'm sure it can be, especially if you're just looking for a friendly ear. Yet many...
Gamification – A Fun Way to Small Biz Profit
Angry Birds, Farmville, and CityVille Familiar names even to those who don’t play online games. Now you can cash in on the latest business craze – Gamification Join us as we interview Tea Silvestre, Executive Producer of Prosperity’s Kitchen. Tea Silvestre, aka The...
Love Your Small Business – Interview with Jo Foster
Do you love your business? Or is it just another way to pay the bills? Wouldn’t it be great to make money while living your life with purpose? You can! Jo Foster (with her partner in crime Janine Ogg) believe that while business planning is critical to success,...
Small Business, Big Mistakes, Lessons Learned
The best part? We all actually learned some good stuff. And now we’d like to pass those lessons on to you:
Prices & Marketing: What Do Your Prices Say About You?
Love it or hate it, your prices are part of your brand. In fact, your prices are telling a story to your potential customers. Do you know what it is? Clare Price joins us to share the secret message behind your pricing. 3’s, 5’s,7’s are talking to your clients. Tune...
Profiling Profit Killers: Ego & Fear
Failing to face your fears will hold back your business. Failing to check your ego will crush your bottom line. In this special crime solving edition, we'll profile these two Profit Killers. Learn how to identify, stop and rehabilitate these criminals. Hosted by...
How to Profit From Your Email List
If you'd like to learn more about the featured experts, or are interested in reading the detailed posts on this topic visit
Stop Playing Coffee Shops, Start Playing Stadiums
If your business was a rock band, would you be playing coffee shops? Don't you want to play in a sold out stadium? How do you make the jump? Tune in to learn how you can bring in VIP Profits Did you know that Nicole’s new book is now available on Amazon? How to be a...
5 Easy Ways to Make Conferences Profitable
Entrepreneurs love conferences. The energy. The connections. The new ideas. But what about the profit? You started your business to make money, right? Sure conferences are fun, but are they growing your bank balance? Listen and learn 5 easy ways to make a profit from...