How Web 2.0 is changing B2B | Interview with Chris Eh Young
Spend 30 minutes with Chris Young and learn how the changes in Web 2.0 affect your small business sales and marketing. Listen to Chris' Interview with The Numbers Whisperer™ Communication between a company and its customers used to be one-way. Companies would...
Considering a Franchise? Joel Libava shares the good, the bad and the ugly
Are you considering investing in a Franchise? Then you need The Franchise King™ Joel Libava. Listen to Joel’s Interview with The Numbers Whisperer™ Joel Libava gives straightforward franchise information and advice. He is the author of a new franchise book and a...
Tame Your Fear of Finance
Is fear of finance holding your business back? Would you like 31 ways to tame this beast? Interested in a free ecourse to learn how? Get a Free eCourse from The Numbers Whisperer™ Finance expert Nicole Fende (a.k.a. The Numbers Whisperer™) is sharing the...
Do Your Words Make You Money?
Does your sales copy sparkle, or dull the interest of your prospects? When you promote in 140 characters, are people left scratching their heads? Listen to learn why words do matter. Words can help or hurt your small business bottom line. We speak with precision...
Peak Performance Profit Consulting
Do you know which of your services or products are making you the most profit? And which ones are causing you to needlessly throw your money into a big black hole? If you don't (and most small business owners don't), you're missing out on a lot of opportunities,...
Introducing the LOL Finance Blog
Love it or hate it, finance is something you can’t avoid if you run a small business. I realize it may be tempting to hand it off to someone else, even someone outside your company. Especially if you are the business. You may wonder, who has time? Don’t the experts...
How to Raise Money for Your Small Biz with Factoring
In this economy who isn't looking for new and creative ways to raise money? Have you considered factoring? Listen in to learn about factoring and how it might help your business. Our guest, Gary Honig is the President of Creative Capital Associates a commercial...
Review: Duct Tape Marketing by John Jantsch
Review of
The Numbers Whisperer®
What exactly IS a numbers whisperer? A Numbers Whisperer is someone who: Understands how to make a profit Prices products to make money and be competitive Translates financial Gobbledygook to plain English Explains how to tame your unruly numbers Makes finance FUN!...
Supercharge Your Sales with Numbers in 3 Easy Steps
Who doesn't want more sales? You may not love numbers, but you could learn to with these 3 easy steps that will supercharge your sales. The Numbers Whisperer™ Breaks it Down Listen Now Listen to internet radio with SmallBizFinance on Blog Talk Radio About...
Crowd Funding Insights with Sally Outlaw Co-Founder of
Need funding for a new project, a start-up or just to grow? Listen and learn all about Crowd Funding with Sally Outlaw. Sally is the co-founder of and a successful entrepreneur. Funding IS within reach. No banks. No lengthy documents to fill out. No...