Tame Your Fear of Finance

Tame Your Fear of Finance

Is fear of finance holding your business back? Would you like 31 ways to tame this beast? Interested in a free ecourse to learn how? Get a Free eCourse from The Numbers Whisperer™   Finance expert Nicole Fende (a.k.a. The Numbers Whisperer™) is sharing the...

Do Your Words Make You Money?

Does your sales copy sparkle, or dull the interest of your prospects? When you promote in 140 characters, are people left scratching their heads? Listen to learn why words do matter. Words can help or hurt your small business bottom line. We speak with precision...

Introducing the LOL Finance Blog

Love it or hate it, finance is something you can’t avoid if you run a small business. I realize it may be tempting to hand it off to someone else, even someone outside your company. Especially if you are the business. You may wonder, who has time? Don’t the experts...

The Numbers Whisperer®

The Numbers Whisperer®

What exactly IS a numbers whisperer? A Numbers Whisperer is someone who: Understands how to make a profit Prices products to make money and be competitive Translates financial Gobbledygook to plain English Explains how to tame your unruly numbers Makes finance FUN!...