by Nicole Fende | Blog
Entrepreneurs brim with ideas. At times it’s more like an explosion, flinging ideas into every corner of the room. We can imagine the possibilities. We can picture our success with the latest brainstorm, certain of its universal appeal. The ability to see...
by Nicole Fende | Blog
Thousands of light years from home. No back-up. Limited resources. Scary bad guys with superior weapons. Is this the plot of Star Trek: Voyager, or a day in your small business? Both! I’m light years from my old corporate life. I don’t have the bench...
by Nicole Fende | Blog
Do you need targeted and relevant online content ideas for your type of business? How about a chance to win a free copy of the forthcoming book, 1000+ Online Content Ideas for Your Business by Matt Mansfield? Targeted Content Drives Targeted Traffic and Profit ...
by Nicole Fende | Blog
Do your business partnerships feel like a bad episode of “The Dating Game”? Instead of your dream date, Mr. Cash Cow, on the other side of the divider, you’ve got distractions, numbers in disarray, and profit killers. What’s a girl business to...
by Nicole Fende | Blog
I dreaded math in junior high school. Walking into algebra class was like entering some dark scary dungeon of fire, terrified I wouldn’t come out alive. Luckily, I survived and only my eyebrows got a little singed. But simple arithmetic? That’s my style!...
by Nicole Fende | Blog
"When people say you’re awesome, accept it with thanks, because you are." That’s just one of the lessons I’ve learned from being in my 40s. I remember turning 40 like it was yesterday – except it wasn’t. I’m staring the...